Monday, August 1, 2011

Cross Training - Doctrines of Faith and Humanity

Charles Ryrie in his book, "Survey of Bible Doctrine," states this - “The question, ‘What is man?’ is without a doubt the most basic of philosophical, theological and practical questions.  Man is only a body, says the materialist.  Man’s body is nothing but an idea, says the idealist.  Actually, says the pragmatist, we know nothing of either material or immaterial entities – only relationships.”

None of these really make much sense to me, maybe because I was brought up with a different definition of the value of human life.  I love how Jesus approached this issue in Matthew 10, as He was instructing the disciples on what to look out for as they encountered people in their journey's -  
29 What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. 30 And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31 (NLT)

I took some time to read about this particular analogy because I was interested in why Jesus would illustrate His point with a "sparrow."  What I discovered was the power of God's love in comparison to the significance of the sparrow.  You see, a sparrow was considered an insignificant creation because the sparrow brought no value to life.  And yet, the sparrow was considered of great value to God because God took care of the sparrow and knew that even when the sparrow's existence came to an end, God was aware.  Jesus then connects God's care for the insignificant sparrow to humanity and how his care for us holds even greater significance then a "whole flock of sparrows."  

This made me think about all the events going on in the world today and how more and more places internationally are devaluing human life, from the unborn to the ethnically diverse, from women to those physically handicapped.  I sit back and watch the news of one more suicide bomber, or a crazed Norwegian, or a Syrian crackdown on pro-democracy groups, and I wonder to myself, what makes us do the things we do.  I believe the answer lies in the value we hold for God's creation - humanity.  

Matt Chandler said it best when he stated, "this world we live in is broken!  It's broken!"  I sit back exasperated at times when I see what is going on in the world today, and then I look at the purpose of the church in that world, and all I can do is sigh heavily, shake my head and ask, "Lord God, how?  How can we make a difference?",  especially when we live in a world that has people that are more concerned about where they can get money to pay their cable and cell phone bills, but won't buy food for their family or take their children to the doctor or therapist, or even takes necessary steps to bring oneness back to a broken marriage.  I think it all comes full circle with our own personal value for humanity.  

Thank you Lord, for the reminder that we are more "valuable than a whole flock of sparrows."  I needed to hear that.

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