Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Storm Stories

Starting a new series over the next few months entitled "Storm Stories."  This series gives me a chance to study up on some exciting moments in the Bible in which various people encountered horrific storms in their life and after battling through them found true life on the other side of the moment.  So, here is what I am going to ask of you.  There are three characters I am targeting over the next 6-weeks - Peter, Joseph and Elijah.  Each of these individuals went through difficult and strange events and found themselves victorious after getting through their circumstances.  I would love to hear from you.  What are some events of your life, past, present or future, that brought you to your knees before God and changed or molded you.  I'm curious to hear. 

I'm convinced that God only and always wants our best, but often incorporates techniques that we find difficult to get us to the place he has in mind.  Have you ever made that connect?  Maybe this is an opportunity to sit back and say, "hmmm, what was God trying to get through this thick skull of mine?"  Let me hear your stories.


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