Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Storm Stories 2

Just thought it would be kind of nice to share a few excerpts from this most recent series I have been doing.  Here are some principles concerning Storms / Adversity in life. 

Storm Principle #1:  Neither Jesus nor scripture ever promise that faith will take adversity away from us.
Storm Principle #2:  Storms create one of three personal responses – Fight – Flight – Faith. 
Storm Principle #3:  God will never leave us alone in the midst of any storm we go through.

Studying Peter has truly been a joy because for so many years Peter was always donned the "arrogant" disciple, when in reality he was the most courageous of all.  I really like what I see in this man based on the Matthew 14 story of Peter walking on the water.  I think this incident tells us a lot of the challenges of faith while facing our own personal storms.  Think about some of the truths concerning faith and storms.

Tested faith will replace fear with courageI find this to be powerfully true.  Think of a moment in which your faith was tested.  Did you find your stamina to handle a situation like became greater so that you could handle a similar circumstance more effectively in the future.

Christ won't steer you from storms but he will call you out into them.  Far to many Christians today believe that storms are a result of lackluster faith.  I don't follow that way of thinking.  I believe the Lord is always utilizing whatever means necessary to help us in our walk and sometimes those means are not popular.

Storms will examine the depth of our faith and call our faith into account.  No one enjoys being kept accountable for our actions, and certainly not our walk with Christ.  But adversity does have a strange way of keeping us accountable not only to our faith but to our call to righteousness.  Now, don't get me wrong.  Just because our circumstances seem to be a bit adverse does not mean God is disciplining.   Sometimes, or should I say a lot of times, adversity is nothing more then a fluke situation or just a poor decision on our parts.  The reality of it all, however, is there are lessons to be learned and if Christ is the center of our life then anything we learn can have a Christ-like connect no matter what.  

Let me hear what you think.


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