Tuesday, February 28, 2012

TKO - Antagonistic Teaching of Jesus in the Book of John

“Being lost is living by a set of values that systematically dismantles your life” -  Unknown source.  

I wish I knew the person that shared this quote.  It makes me think about my own life and the historic decisions I have made for the better or for the worse, and how those decisions have either stabalized my or made it more unstable.  I had to read the quote several more times before the "key" word stuck out to me.  That word is "living."  

Living is a decision, a decision that requires each of us to decipher whether our living is a by-product of how we were taught to live life, or whether it is a by-product illuminated by truth.  How we live is determined by the set of values we pursue.  Those values either dismantle or construct what is the foundation of our lives.  Please understand, there is no way to bypass the events of your life that cause dismantling.  Sometimes we have no control over those events.  What we do have control over is how we construct, or even reconstruct.  

There is a test to examine if your life is stabilized, that is very easy and elementary to understand.  Here it is!  Look to see if your life is adding any lumber to the lives around you.  To many of us live life like it's the "blind leading the blind."  Someone blind taught us to see, taught us to walk, taught us to hear, and we know no different when it comes to what our purpose in lives is.  Notice I said lives, not life.  

Lives get so dismantled, so easy, because we don't SEE properly, because someone led us astray and we followed.  I remember in college two guys in my dorm, Mike and Brian.  They were roommates, and shortly after Brian landed on campus, Mike, an upperclassman, would take Brian across campus to show him the way to the various classrooms.  Strangely enough, both Mike and Brian were born blind.  On one occasion, both Mike and Brian were caught in a circle of shrubs and didn't know how to get out.  It took someone who could see to come along side of them and illuminate the way out.

Light will dismantle your life, but at the same time, it will reconstruct it.  That is the difference a little light will make when we recognize how our choices have caused to dismantle.

Love to hear your thoughts,


1 comment:

  1. Figured out how to get to your blog and follow it.
