Monday, November 21, 2011

The Final Act - Act 1: Gift of Access

We begin a new series on gifts that come our way by way of salvation.  The passage we want to really focus on is Ephesians 2, which draws together the message of Advent with the message of Paul to the Ephesian church – the message and gift of salvation. Ephesians 2 is called, “The clearest, most expressive, and most loved descriptions of salvation in the New Testament."  Specifically Ephesians 2:8,9 - 8 God saved you by his special favor when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. 9 Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it -- Eph 2:8-9 (NLT)

There seems to be a recurring desire, pursuit (call it what you may) of finding the supernatural in this world.  I find it interesting how we desire to find the supernatural, whether in the form of a ghost, a spirit, or whatever, but when it comes to a supernatural element that might be a supernatural Creator that's not alien, we quickly respond negatively. 

Within all of us there is an inward tug to discover the supernatural. The problem remains finding the supernatural. I think the message of the Old and New Testament is God's plan of reintroducing us to an access with the Creator.

The story of the Old Testament centered around Israel and her relationship to God.  You could see this specifically in how their worship experience was set up within the tabernacle which lead towards the most sacred sabbath of the year the Day of Atonement.  On this Day, the glory of the Lord would descend and meet with the High Priest in the Holy of Holies.  It was here that the High Priest would sacrifice the Passover Lamb and sprinkle the blood of the lamb on the Bema Seat, the ark of the covenant, for the forgiveness of Israel's sins - the supernatural met with humanity.

Isn't this what we so often seek?  Clear evidence of the supernatural before us.  But what makes us think that the same thing doesn't continue to happen?  Paul tells us that salvation is a gift of God, a gift that reintroduces us to access to the supernatural, our Creator.  We forget that at salvation, as Paul reminds the Ephesian church, the supernatural resides in us.  We become the home, the Holy of Holies for the glory of God, resting within us.  The evidence of this may not come as a lightening strike, but it certainly takes place within us, and the evidence is the glory of God as it emanates from within us.  Here is the most expressive part, the glory of God shines from within us as we discover more of Him.  His glory doesn't just spring upon us and immediately transform us like we were an Autobot.  It is a transformation that is the result of training and preparing for a race, a race that takes time and pursuit. 

That's the beauty of the pursuit, along the route of the workout we study, examine and learn more about him, and as we do we come to know the supernatural Creator in a way that He could not impose on us.

For those of you that read this I want to take a moment and let you know that we are doing a test to see how many actually read this blog.  Here is what I am doing.   I have a prize for the first person that makes a comment to me about this blog.  You need to register your name and send me a comment.  If you do there will be a prize waiting for you.  I will notify you if you are the winner.

Can't wait to hear from you,


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