Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hell's Kitchen - Pt. 2

George Barna was quoted saying - “For several decades, the Church has relied upon greater sums of money, better techniques, bigger numbers and facilities, and more impressive credentials as the means to influence society at large.  These elements have failed us; in our efforts to serve God, we have crowded out God Himself.”   

 I shared this last Sunday how I believe Christ to be the architect of the church and we are the materials in which that building is put together.  As I stand back and look at the church from a distance, however, what I think I see is this vast distance between where Christ is prepared to build and where the church is dropping off materials.  Often I wonder if the church hasn't continued to drop off their materials in places where the Lord once worked but has transitioned into new arena's or fields (I would be interested in hearing your interpretation of what I just said :)).  

I believe the church needs to rediscover what it means to be both Missional and Transformational.  
  • Missional - are we actively seeking ways to express Christ’s love in new arena’s, new ways, and with relevance.
  • Transformational – are we expecting results that reflect Christ.
 Think about where we have come as a church.  I believe being Missional is really the same as a ship with a crew member standing watch in the crows nest making sure the ship (church) is sailing in the appropriate direction.  Being Transformational then calls us to steer the ship in a direction that allows us to reflect Christ's love in ways unique to our sailing vessel (church) with dramatic results in the lives of people.

Far to often our sailing vessels have NO one in the crows nest, pointing us NO where.  What a difference we could make in people's lives if we would only "man the nest" and extend our telescopes to reveal the "Cross"-hairs of Christ.

Can't wait to hear from you.


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